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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:09 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:53 pm
Posts: 503
Meissa wrote:
Yes, a L2P issue .... You're honestly arguing that you will have time to sort Mollies while in melee with another group and that you have a reasonable expectation of even seeing the outputs of those glance commands at the speed of combat spam?


Are you arguing that combat ends too quickly to manage such a simple task?

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:22 pm 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 3:49 pm
Posts: 535
Location: Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter
woahboy wrote:
No, there are ways to target him. Glance, info, look, consider. All tools available to newbs to solve this problem and figure out who's who if they're interested in learning to play the game.

Hell, the situation you just mentioned RP-wise seems like something that might reasonably happen in the chaos of battle.

Glance: only helpful if they are in formation, and even then only helpful if they are in different rows. Tribunal guards can all be out of formation. So this does not work.
Info: Same problems as glance when we are talking about people not in groups, gecko'ing trib NPCs and even 1v1 fights--it is very possible to target yourself with spells on accident when fighting 1v1 with someone using this ability (something that would be SO simply solved if SELF was the only available target for oneself... a few issues could be solved with such a simple (game perspective) change).
Look: was that a joke?
Consider: only minimally helpful. In a world of GM team fights including GM NPCs, this doesn't do much good. Even if it did, you're on your 4th command and still not bashed/dead?

And yes, I agree that from an RP-standpoint it could be understandable. The issue is not that it cannot be rationalized away, but that as a coded limitation gameplay suffers. If you see a peacekeeper soldier chopping up other soldiers left and right, you should be easily able to target him.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:29 pm 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
SK Character: NA - Inactive
grep wrote:
This is a good chance to pitch a feature I've wanted for a long time.

It would be nice if the game could parse target.formation to target the appropriate formation position of the target's group.

So, for example, if I "cast 'harm' Molly.M2," I would be casting harm at the person in M2 of Molly's formation... which may or may not be Molly. Things like Molly.front, Molly.behind would also be interesting to have available as potential relative targets.

I like this idea. Really, it seems to me that the best way to deal with this general problem is with advanced targetting code.

Glance is useful, but in a room with 2 groups of 6+ and the associated scroll/spam, it can be unwieldy for many players to use in this scenario.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:06 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:54 am
Posts: 613
SK Character: Caric
Having been behind an instance when disguise was used to devastating effect. I can tell you to actually use it well takes a lot of effort to make work. I asked for classification of the rule from an Imm, only to get told later by another Imm it was against the rules. I feel it is good to put in such in the help files to clear up confusion that was even between Imms. As for special skills their "help" files are on their forums I believe to clear up confusion regarding them.
As far as woahboy comments about how easy it is to solve the problem using player skill. I have to say it is amazingly hard to actually make the disguise trick to work it really well but once it is done you have over a 95% chance people wont notice until the battle favor has been completely turned against them. There is always the cheep version which is just make it so their non reach weapon doesnt attack you when they target you so you get the first attack.

Disguise has its use in confusing people, for example it changes your tracks. It makes it harder for pretargeting if you dont have track. I would like to see a few changes disguise to make it more useful. Usable in shadows without breaking would be very useful. Alteration to the visible command so you can turn off different stealth aspects at a time (Visible <invis/hide/sneak/disguise>). However it will always be a poor mans trick because of the greet command and the fact you cant use it well your pulse is racing.
Ploymorph is meant to have similar limitations on it as disguise because it does not have fine detail control.

Think of it as the above two skills do not give you enough skill to mimic someone exactly. That is the ruling I was told at the end of the issue I had.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:32 pm 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:16 am
Posts: 1567
SK Character: NA - Inactive
Cordance wrote:
I would like to see a few changes disguise to make it more useful. Usable in shadows without breaking would be very useful. Alteration to the visible command so you can turn off different stealth aspects at a time (Visible <invis/hide/sneak/disguise>).

Good ideas.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:38 pm 

Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 3:49 pm
Posts: 535
Location: Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter
Cordance wrote:
HI would like to see a few changes disguise to make it more useful. Usable in shadows without breaking would be very useful. Alteration to the visible command so you can turn off different stealth aspects at a time (Visible <invis/hide/sneak/disguise>). However it will always be a poor mans trick because of the greet command and the fact you cant use it while your pulse is racing.

I feel the same way--disguise is such a fun and limited skill but it has very little use (good for maybe a second of confusion). I dream of a day where disguise would keep your identity secret from law NPCs. Of course, as soon as you do something wrong while disguised the jig is up, and with your pulse racing you'd better have an exit strategy.

Not dreaming that it is the same as the sekrat thing--instead of being law immune no matter what is happening, I would just like to see it able to sneak past some guards or avoiding bounty NPCs or something until you break another law or fail a check or something.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:14 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:19 am
Posts: 309
So, Dakken recently copied Prince Lathron's appearance while he had him charmed, to protect him from targeting while he was using a fireball wand from the other room. So, there was, Lathron, Lathron, and a furry squirrel.

It this a violation?

I really hope that Dakken's player or his friends don't take this as a Q_Q and begin flaming this thread. The ambiguity that exists around this rule is really the fault of the immstaff and not of any players who try to navigate their way through the floppy-footed grayness.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:30 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:26 am
Posts: 1252
SK Character: Rolf
This kind of message may be more effective if it is sent to the rules manager.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:15 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:53 pm
Posts: 503
1) This is still a l2p issue.

2) So, you are complaining that, at a distance, you can't tell two twins apart? Next time you make a 'realism' thread as Anjin, I'm pimp slapping you.

3) When did it become acceptable to come qq about specific cabal abilities after losing a PvP encounter? Forum ban please.

4) If you read the thread, which you obviously haven't, the imms already said they'd address this, and changes/rules pertaining to cabal abilities are not public information.

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 Post subject: Re: Variable appearance and the rules
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:47 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:19 am
Posts: 309


2) If the two twins are performing different actions, it might be reasonable to think that I could separately identify them. In the situation described, one of them was zapping a wand, while another of them was doing nothing. I was able to identify that the fireball belonged to 'Prince Lathron', but apparantly not which of the two. This seems kind of gray zone and worth clarification instead of QQs.

3) Oh my God, did you know that Ricky Martin was queer?

Everyone already knows.

Anyway, I'm talking about variable appearance, not cabal abilities.

4) Changes / rules pertaining to variable appearance is public information.

5) Really, just chill.

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