Edoras, necromancer is the only class that can beat a delf sorcerer 1v1. Seriously. I'll give you ANY class/race/faction combo, FULLY prepped, and the absolute best they can hope for is a draw at the end of a very risky fight. Most combinations of 2 PCs, when played by competent, prepared players, do stand a chance against a sorc. Once you've got three decent players, things are stacked against the sorcerer. The combo is just too OP.
Terrus wrote:
This proposal won't help crap. It will nerf deep-elf sorcerors who can't cast hardly anything while holding two charms AND charm can't be scribed, so it's not like it will really effect anyone else because no one else has the int to effectively control two charms.
Uh, you're just wrong. Delf sorcs run around with two charmies all the time. And since scrolls/wands/staves don't take concentration, these sorcs tend to recite triple FoD, triple harm, or double petrification. Or hell, they can zap OP fear, OP cone of cold, OP acid blast, or OP color spray. I'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. The ability to hold two charms is one of the reasons that delf and human sorcs are in a league of their own, and you might be surprised by how much spare concentration they actually have when holding two charms. Also, the ability to charm players while already holding a charm is definitely a big deal, whether or not it's a tactic Edoras uses.
Terrus wrote:
Besides, with remove compulsion priests a dime a dozen I don't see how this is even remotely an issue. My sorc got roflstomped by remove compulsion.
Remove compulsion has a huge casting time. If you lost while playing a sorc, you just don't understand how to play the class. Sorry, that's as nicely as I can put it.
Also, sorcs don't actually have weaknesses, and this whole "glass cannon" nonsense is a bunch of propaganda. The class is nearly unkillable because they're always in the third row and have easy access to every defensive buff in the game. The only way to die while playing a sorc is to be incompetent. Examples include going afk, not holding MI, trying to go 1v6, or not keeping track of true seeing potions in the game.
And I'm assuming Mira's stamp of approval is for the original idea in the thread and not the abolition of tribunals.
Lastly, I will point out that Orius voted not to implement this change, but that's because he wanted to keep thing so that one player was able to take on the entire mud. I think that vote should be counted in my favor.