erm, getting a suit that can resist 9 art isn't hard at all. getting a suit that can resist 14-16 art is quite a bit harder, especially against sorc's who have fort/ref/willpower spells. Against 9 art u need 30+ resists not including mp. Against 14 art you need 45+ if you even want to have a chance at resisting the spell. For warriors who already have the majority of their enchant slots taken up by mp that extra 15 resist is absolutely huge. So there already is plenty of incentive for people to get 14 or 16 art, whatever the max is now. I know that when I have a good suit I don't even look twice at wands/scrolls/staves, absolutely the only thing that keeps me spam looking east/west is the fear of 16 art casted spells, because even with 25 fort/will theres still a chance you'll get hit with spells.