Yana wrote:
Set a value for ADS added together, adjust each subtype accordingly so that the number always comes out the same for every weapon that way a sai that has no damage and super speed is more accurate then a wak. Let the numbers all total the same makeing them level.
Problem here is that the speed and such is also based off what skills you have. Faster weapons = more parry (from my understanding) and more attacks.
So while shaman and hellions can use slow weapons, mercenaries, swashbucklers, and barbarians will typically want to use faster weapons.
Plus, the speed to a barbarian is different than to a swashbuckler. So how would you really put a number on it?
My point being, even if two weapons got valued at '8' combined, it doesn't mean that one 8 is superior to the other 8 because of additional skills that speed into account more so than damage or accuracy, thus improving the weapon over the other.