Pushing40 wrote:
People like the idea of protecting against rage deletion.
Pushing40 wrote:
Those who go into retirement get stripped of unique gear, money, political affiliations, leadership positions.
Pushing40 wrote:
Amat5 is far too low a setting for insta-delete; App5 or Jman5 is far more appropriate.
I would go as far as Novice(5) but no higher than that. I intend to continue to push the theme that low level characters are playable and can be important. I still believe that Amature(5) is the appropriate cut-off though. Why? Because you have been always been required to have a description and personality for your character by Novice. And once you do so, it is not appropriate to delete and re-create a character using the same name.
Pushing40 wrote:
Several months waiting for a retired char to self-delete is too long; a much briefer time-span is preferred.
I will reiterate what other people have said: "What's the point of deletion?" My solution already takes care of any concerns I have about the character sticking around in the database. If you never log them in again, I am fine. If you never log them in again, why do you care whether there is a data remnant on the server? If you do log them in again, I guess you should actually be thankful at that point.