Adder wrote:
Orac wrote:
A counter example? Good energy is really hard to get hows that? If it's not sacred armor it's hard to find. Alot of stuff has been wimped while you were gone. I doubt Frollith ever had a set of full energy anyway and you are always talking about him. Even heavy armor priests don't go around tanking.
Again, this was about taking less damage in an emergency situation. Nobody expects priests to go around tanking over other classes. Everyone who posted just wants priests to be able to reduce physical damage when targetted specifically.
Additionally, I am not
always talking about him. I mentioned him because it was the first example that I could think of. You're the one who disputed that and started this long chain of comments about what frolly did or did not do. Besides, more than enough people playing former priests have already commented that they use shields, so it's moot now anyways.
Like I said I don't think you are a Frollith expert. If he wants to come on here and explain himself he can, I invite him to prove me wrong. I think you are just saying things you want to be true to make me look wrong.
Surprise- I do not give a [REDACTED] about proving you wrong, even though you seem to have a grudge against me. You posted an idea, I posted my opinion. I did not disagree with you because it's you, I disagreed because I didn't like the idea. End of story.
Surprise - You're paranoid. I don't have a grudge against you. You were arguing my points I argued back. You lost the arguement and made it personal. I don't even know you. But I guess I am grinding some axe here. You brought Frollith up and said he always had a shield and all this and that, not me. What ever. You obviously think you're very important.
The four or five priests that have spoken up here hardly represent the dozens of priests that I see not carrying shields. Like I said most priests have some item and a staff or a scroll and staff. Maybe I don't get out enough.
Adder wrote:
Orac wrote:
Point 1) I was around Frollith as much or more then you and I didn't see him use a shield often. But like I said I'll leave it to Frollith to post here if he wants to explain what his char was like.
I don't buy that. Sorel deleted with... 1400 hours? I must have fought him in at least 40% of my fights. That's not even including the time I spent with on Varin or Sarevin, or fighting against him with Kail/Izigul.
I played with Frollith for 100's of hours as Roath before you ever showed up on SK. I've played with/against him many times before you ever came around and continued to do so while you had Sorel and after. I donno if you're some wanna be know it all but you're hardly an expert on Frolliths life. It was after I deleted Roath that he got the #2 flag in the Hammer way before you ever came around.
End of Story.