Carsetius wrote:
Why dont you quit bitchin and recuit a priest and have them do the RP to get favored?
That is dumb, really really really dumb. You cannot just go out on the who list and just start asking people to make a priest so that you can make them at least F2. You have to have a person willing to play a priest. I do not have the ooc contacts to do that. So, if there is no actively seeking priest I am SOL. Also, some religions are more undesirable than others, for reasons we all know. I do not blame them for it either.
I get the point that this obviously will not happen but I will state that I feel that we are getting contradictory messages here. First we are told they are special and should be cherished then we are told they are not really that big of deal.
I'll tell you the truth. I could careless for the mods that come with it. For my character, a hellion, a symbol is exactly that, a symbol of my faith and what I represent. To my character it is a big deal. If I were anything but a hellion, or a priest/paladin if i had one, I wouldn't care too much about it.
As I said before D, I respect your decision. I personally would love to have a symbol and just wanted to suggest a way that people like myself could have one during a time when no pc is willing to play an active priest of a faith.
Btw Carsetius, no one is bitching, just trying to argue their point. Thank you.