Grakus wrote:
Putting aside that useless drivel posted directly above, I just have to say Bux, that why should skills improve at the same rate as levels?
No, no, skills should improve at the same rate as EACH OTHER (or scaled in a practical way by their power).
For instance: Tame. With no lag, you can master tame in a minute or two of spam. The Hammer horsie skill. When you call a steed before the wait period is up, it counts as a fail, which ticks the skill. Ok, maybe these are examples of (slight) abuse. How about shield block? I'm shocked at how easy it was to master. I rolled a dimwitted giant alt to test something, and he mastered shield block by jman.
Then, there's other stuff, which takes forever to master, either because the skill doesn't get checked very often, or because, as is the original point of this thread, failure doesn't have a chance of increasing proficiency. Cyra's examples, for example.
As for the other, tangential point I made, yeah, I guess it just seems a little arbitrary, as opposed to well-considered, and I think that the Grind, with a capital "G" ought to result not only in levels, but a reasonable level of proficiency in most every skill actually used during the Grind. My opinion.