Without going into too many details, I have returned dark aura's before. Most of the times the character was duped. I'd say about 1/3-1/2 the time I got some RP out of some very appreciative individuals & we made the best of the situation. Something to the tune of 'you were unknown and given compassion this time, but in the future you are advised to find someone else as my Lady will not answer' sort of deal. Once the RP was such someone got mouthy themselves and attacked, but not killed, and it led to yet more RP. Sometimes they lie through their teeth and grin and bare it a bit. Then there is the other half of the time I've had the troubles which prompted this whole discussion.
Ressing+Running immediately = no (bad) RP + poor sportsmanship.
We are speaking here of a tick or two of time where *gasp*
the newly
revived player is forced to deal with the fact their body is weak from being returned to life. It could be worse. You could still be DEAD.
To those of you who find argument with this idea, it just goes to show the depth of the problem expands beyond the character/RP and back to a player who can't grasp that death has meaning on SK, that getting returned to life IS a big deal, & *gasp* :x maybe this means you should actually think before trying to trick/fool someone into returning you OR take the chance to risk it. As for not being able to sleep, GREAT!
You should be overwhelmed with living again, and sorting out the whole breathing thing. Ya know, if you bother to RP, chances are the priest would actually heal/refresh you.
Here's your sign.