Orac wrote:
The above quote is ample proof of her intent with charm person.
Hardly. It only shows that if the charmER recalls, or teleports, the spell bugs and you can't do anything. It shows NOTHING of the events that led to the recall, or teleportation. Assuming it was done so Ealuriel could "freeze" the player is either also wrong, or Ealuriel is a very cunning schemer that also sent a tell asking "Where are you dear" right afterwards. Bottom line, you can't judge a player's intent, by a log snippet that doesn't provide any information.
As for insta-break of the spell, with the exception of recalling, or teleporting in which case I believe the charm should be broken, I have to disagree. Conceptually, for the charmer it's far easier to convince the charmee to do something they normally wouldn't, because of the charm's effect. So, instead of instant breaking the spell when X conditions are met, I would suggest giving another save for the spell when X conditions are met.
Yes, it might be pointless to bother with a save in the case of a twinked sorcerer, but what are you saying now? That you want a means to nerf down "the best possible equipment combination for a class" because it's overpowered? Well, it's the best possible equipment bonus for your class, it SHOULD be overpowered compared to any of the non-best combinations!
You can't possibly advocate balance, without taking in mind balanced facts. You cannot compare a player with mediocre equipment against a player that has meticulously prepared his equipment (either through knowledge or twinkery - at this point it matters not) and say that the later is overpowered. They have
the best possible combination for their class it's perfectly balanced to be unable to resist them.
Any and all tests must happen with equally equipped opponents, as well as unequally equipped opponents. That way, you'll see how an unequipped charm works against an equipped target, an equipped charm works against an equipped target and an equipped charm works against an unequipped target (though, the last is obvious).