If you set your wimpy to 60 and then follow a random NPC, you can't die to dual backstab. This is because you will be immune to the follow-backstab tactic. When the rogue tries to follow you, he will instead follow your leader, and you will be able to flee after the first backstab without getting followed and killed with the second backstab. While nobody has ever used this against me, I always used it if I was hanging out in an inn. My rogue was backstabbed four times and never killed with it. Besides, if someone is actually expecting a rogue, they can put something behind them or keep their pulse racing.
MI is a very good defensive spell that will keep most rogues from killing you. MI is available to every class that is really vulnerable to backstab -- not just sorcs. However, you can negate MI with potions of the Dulrik religion spell. They're not easy to come by, but I think I landed 4 backstab kills on sorcs using them, with a few to spare when I deleted.