Kaylia wrote:
I have a few issues regarding leveling.
Though it would be ideal for a setting where "the game doesn't begin at Master", I don't find that this is the case. Almost always, when playing a lower-level character, I end up making connections with other characters both for RP as well as grouping potential. I play support characters so that I can get into group tactics and help out others. However, literally every character I have played has been told time and time again, "go train more" or "you'll be helpful when you're a higher rank" so on and so forth. Essentially, I don't get to do meaningful grouping or support until I'm high level. Whether this is a flaw with the player base or with the game system itself is unknown to me; however, the result is the same. I have to mindlessly grind to Master to actually have any fun that isn't strictly RP interaction.
So what do I do? I grind... and grind... and grind. The whole process is painful, exhausting, tedious, and altogether pointless in my opinion. I'm okay with a slow progression of levels (again, assuming that the ideal "the game doesn't begin at Master" is actually a reality in the game), but making that progression through "spam <spell or skill>, sleep, repeat" ad nauseam saps my soul and will to play. My last four characters never made it to Grand Master because I just didn't have the interest in submitting myself to that sort of grind any longer. Three of them just faded away due to inactivity because the idea of logging on to grind more was daunting and painful. I have even had to warn friends who asked to join me on SK to "beware the mindless leveling system".
In all fairness, I have not played many MUDs outside of SK, so I don't have much points of comparison, but I don't have the time nor patience for leveling the way it currently exists in this game. Sorry, I don't have a better solution available at this time; thus, I feel somewhat unproductive. Nonetheless, my current character, that I made with lots of ambitions and excitement, hasn't been played in a while. Further, whenever I think, "hey, I would like to play some SK now", I just remember how I don't get to group with people, and how tedious leveling is, so I pick up another video game and play that instead.
TL;DR version: I'm a whiny casual.
I have been keeping this to myself for months, but your post motivated me to bring this up: I've had wizi immortals tell me to "go study more" on lowbie characters while trying to roleplay. I've had players tell me to seek cabal membership after I'd reached journeyman. I thought I was just annoying, but I'm kind of relieved to hear other people get the "go level some" line.
I'd love it if we didn't have to have levels for the game, but if I wanted to roleplay a caster without actual spells ... well, a MUD wouldn't be the game for me, now would it? If I'm supposed to be able to enjoy playing SK as a MUSH, I'd like some of the MUSH comforts to be there, too, like more support for customizable equipment, communication, and -- flame on, I suspect -- protection from PVP.
I'm going to make a well-intentioned bitter statement for the sake of voicing what I think isn't too stark of a minority view and say that it sort of hurts to get the vibe that the potential throng of facebook users is more valued than casual veterans such as Kaylia and myself. I don't mean this in an aggressive way, but the way this thread's played out makes it feel like Dulrik is selling some of us out for a swarm of lolcatting Farmville players.
What if SK ran multiple servers with different takes on some of these "maybe" or "meh" ideas with strong player support and see which winds up getting more users?