Goldlantern wrote:
Cannibal, what we're differing on, is what exactly 0% means. To me, it means "within an inch of your life". One more smack, hell, you can get slapped into trauma and die. You're taking 0% as merely unconscious, which is a bit different. Sure, being knocked out isn't so big a deal, but the former, is. Now, add to the former, the idea that your money is gone (no chance to drag yourself to a healer and get healed), your clothes and weapons are gone (no chance to defend yourself from anything ELSE that wants to kill you), and that you may or may not be in the middle of nowhere where anyone is inclined to help you. I for one, would rather die, than be put in such a situation where I am left, helpless.
You're not helpless, unless you happen to wander into a village full of dick grey auras and dark auras, then you should just want to die.