I agree with:
Dulrik wrote:
Retiring would do most of the same things to your character that extreme in-activity already does during the monthly update. You'd immediately lose paragon and/or high follower. You would be removed from any tribunal or cabal membership (and leadership). You would be de-looted of all limited items and stripped of cash. You would then be put into retired status and logged out. But you would not be deleted.
ardith wrote:
Although I would say that the delete command should be available until your character turns journeyman.
Pushing40 from the other side wrote:
You cannot access your character for 48 hours. If, at the end of those 48 hours, you decided to delete your character, you may log in and permanently delete it, or wait another 72 hours and it will be deleted from storage.
I do not agree with:
Dulrik wrote:
Deletion would only occur after several months of inactivity the same as it does now.
All in all, though, I think the idea of retirement to prevent rage deletion is nifty.