Adder wrote:
Orac wrote:
I've been out with Frollith lots too. At first he would us that harm stave he had then he'd use scrolls. I barely ever saw him use a shield unless it was the crusaders shield. Why don't we let him explain what he liked to do. I've led 3 of the churches and been in a zillion of them and priests just don't seem to use shields. I'm not saying it NEVER happens I'm saying it's very rare.
Perhaps I should correct what I said. I meant I saw him holding a shield -often-. You can hold a stave or scroll and a shield, after all.
I mean your example of Frollith is pretty lame. No character Is going to live three and a half years and never hold a shield. Heldorian used to hold
shields too and he didn't even have shield block. How often was Frollith in front row or second row deflecting blows with his shield? I'm sure you going to say lots but I doubt he was ever tanking stuff with pimped out cloth and a shield.
Energy armor can give good AC. Obviously he did not intentionally go into combat with the idea that he'd take hits, but it did happen, and I saw logs where he'd survive several rounds of melee combat because of the shield. In fact, I remember fighting him with my hellion and thinking that it was such a pain to kill him because he was immune to my hellfires and kept dodging or blocking all my attacks.
Adder wrote:
I could maybe see shield block being taken from priests, but why in the world would they get enhanced damage?
Would a good reason be because they spend years of their lives wielding big heavy mauls bashing and crushing things in painful ways? Would that be a good reason?
I don't think so, no. Ultimately an enhanced damage for shield block trade would mean that priests would lose one skill that can be used for both leveling and PK and gain something that only helps speed up their leveling (albeit more so than shield block), since they'll never be doing physical dmg in PK.
I wouldn't take that trade.
Point 1) I was around Frollith as much or more then you and I didn't see him use a shield often. But like I said I'll leave it to Frollith to post here if he wants to explain what his char was like.
Point 2) Energy armor can have a good AC. So what? Is the meissa holy armor energy armor? Frollith wasn't exactly known for his pimped out loot or hoarding. I remember him having regular clothing that he enchanted then him having the meissa holy armor. Again I'm not going to sit here like you and build him up into a good example, I'll let him explain himself.
3) You don't think a man who goes around with a great big maul bashing and killing with it would know enhanced damage?
Ultimately you're grasping at straws and trotting out Frollith, making him out to be something he wasn't, and claiming shield block is regularily used by priests. It's not. When I led the Harlies none of the priests used shield block.
But I guess since Frollith had his elite energy armor and usually had a shield because he was taking hits so much and stuff this change should be considered.