The problem I'd see with a Craftsman or whatever type of class is that I think it'd be hard to balance them. Just considering the concept, I think it'd turn out to be something like a Rogue, without hide/sneak/backstab/circlestab/hamstring and what not and with like repair and possibly some sort of forging/sewing(make stuff) commands. And while it'd be fun, I don't think it'd be worth the time to make it.
I do however think a Trader's/Merchant's/Craftsman's(whatever) Guild would be nice..However, instead of making it like the Thieves' Guild, make it a full-fledged Cabal(so they'd get the craft skills as their cabal skills). Perhaps with some sort of HQ in each major city.. The idea would take some time to plan out(and I don't really feel like doing it right now), because something like that wouldn't really work if based out of one city, unless the city is Teron, but then I'd think the Merchant's would want laws and what not. And if the city was say Exile, the Imperials would undoubtedly be biased against the Cabal and whatever..Dunno
And of course there's the fact the every country does have a cabal already, might not want to mess with the balance.