[Skills help] blitzkrieg
Syntax: blitz
Blitzkrieg, like other skills which fighters have, can be used during
combat to increase the damage done to their enemies. It allows those
wielding a slashing(!) type weapon to make a single attack against everyone
in the front row of the enemy formation. The skill can be used but once
every few rounds.
List of available weapon types:
knuckles spiked knuckles shortsword gladius
scimitar wakizashi kris machete
rapier epee longsword broadsword
katana cutlass bastard sword greatsword
claymore flamberge no-dachi pigsticker
falchion khopesh landsknecht dagger
skinning knife tanto hunting knife push knife
throwing dagger sai curved dagger straight dagger
khukri club spiked club flanged mace
spiked mace forge hammer warhammer spiked warhammer
flanged pole-mace spiked pole-mace flail ball and chain
morningstar nunchaku hatchet throwing axe
battle axe double-bladed axe great axe pole-axe
whip riding crop bullwhip battle whip
spiked chain staff cane jo staff
bo staff spiked staff blade staff ajatang
throwing spear pitchfork hunting spear battle spear
ahlspiess trident halberd pike
bill glaive bec de corbin scythe
naginata lance shortbow longbow
compound bow hunting bow archery bow hand crossbow
crossbow siege crossbow catapult ballista
sling kama sickle elemental orbs
arcane orbs divine orbs kusari-gama bandalore
bolo shuriken hammer of light
Yeah, could we do something else to blitzkrieg? Any suggestions?