Nashira wrote:
Lighties caught grinding on lightie NPCs/killing them for loot will be cursed. If you don’t get caught, you’re nothing but lucky. Grey aura NPCs is another matter and depends on the concept of the individual character in my opinion. The familiarity code limits the time you may spend levelling on the same dark aura NPCs, so there are a bunch of balance issues to consider on top of the rp issue. However, that’s a real long debate and not appropriate to consider here.
Then I recommend another thread be started. However, let me just say this:
I’m not getting this claim that we’re unwilling to 'lay down the law'. I am unwilling to punish anyone I don’t have solid proof of a misdoing on, but that’s not the same as refusing to punish lighties for being twits, if and when they are. Got an RP issue? Send up a log. We aren't omniscient, need a little help from the pbase.
This is why I say you're 'unwilling to lay down the law':
Nashira wrote:
Grey aura NPCs is another matter and depends on the concept of the individual character in my opinion.
I say: no. Absolutely not. It doesn't. There needs to be far, far less gray area when it comes to lighties. You're scrupulous, you kill an innocent town citizen greybie in Teron to level off of -- boom, cursed 1 level per mobile. You're principled member of the FIST and you go into Teron and kill a greybie -- boom, kicked out of the cabal (by immortal uninduction) and the leaders of the cabal are cursed back 1 level. You're a member of the Hammer and you run away from a siege on Exile -- boom, you get tarnished and if you're a leader, deflagged, and probably cursed too.
I can send you logs, but if you don't subscribe to this theory -- well, what point is it? -My- point is that you don't see these as game destroying offenses, when before you played (and you can confirm this with Algorab even) behavior like this was scorned and dealt with. Even the concept of an ooc hookup was punished with deletion. There are logs, still, of Reina punishing peso-esque behavior (where high level cabal characters help out specific player's newbies but ignore other's for the purposes of power leveling and bringing them oocly into the cabal through a false ic facade). Why do I use Reina? Because he was a very visible immortal, Alshain was much the similar way but a bit more quiet about it.
I know this staff hates to police the players, but you -have- to. Sk is different due to RP enforcement, but you -have- to enforce that. You don't need to spam punish based upon unfound evience, but you DO need to punish for offenses and stop leaving alignment interpretation up for grabs.
There's a reason lighties get a ton of perks on this mud (request, more nations, etc) and that's because of the severe restrictions placed upon the two alignments. Principles are not supposed to use the kill order unless it's to save someone or against evil. Scrupulous'
are the same. THE SAME. The way they go about it is different. While a principled person might try to reason with evil a bit first, the scrupulous will resort to violence quicker. HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT GIVE HIM CYRA-CARD-BLANCHE FOR MURDERING OTHER LIGHTIES AND/OR GREYBIES BECAUSE HE FELT LIKE IT.
This -includes- grey mobiles who carry equipment. No, it is -UNACCEPTABLE- for light auras to murder the head of the torrum, or to kill Saisua, etc. etc. You imms need to start hammering that into people's heads. If you don't see why this is -- I don't know what to say. I really don't.
Then there really is no difference between good and evil here when it comes to RP. It's disgusting and it needs to stop. The very same reasons lighties should be restricted in this way are the very same reason as to what makes an evil alignment evil.
Oh, and graybies shouldn't go around murdering people the same. Even an anarchist. They are a bit harder to define, but as a general rule of them, if they're blood thirsty then they = evil. Not grey. Too many people abuse this as well to get out of being speared/holy worded.
This is what I mean about staff unwilling to do what is required for the good of the game. You can build all the areas that you want, but they mean literally dick when it comes to the quality of the RP on this mud compared to what it used to be.
One last note: alignment breaking is NOT an ic issue. It should not, nor will it ever, be dealt with ICly. It is an OOC issue. The player and character are bound by abiding by the alignment rules within their roleplay. They are -NOT PERMITTED- by helpfile and rules to breach, at any time, their alignment. Should they be found to be breaching their alignment, they and those who aid or consort with them, need to be punished in an ooc manner by which results in a serious 'sting' to the player to warn them never to do it again.
The examples I posted above are alignment breakers, not IC violations that can be dealt with ICly. Think of it the same as me handing you a gun and telling you to shoot a baby in the face. Would you? No. Nor would a lightie or even a greybie. Use that as your litmus test.