The Mighty Fluffball wrote:
if you really, really, REALLY need this--
just make it so you can see while stunned.
Making them able to see while stunned is only half the issue. The other issue is that most people will be trying to run like mad because their adrenalin is still going from the PK and they are thinking "I dont want to lose my loot". Ive had this happen before when I was fighting with someone and didnt have a chance to get <weapon> <person> before the tick happened and they ran off. There needs to be an extra delay when needed.
I would say stun should last all of current tick plus the next tick but often that would be frustrating for newbies in newbie grounds or duel to the stun to name a few situations. The idea is basically I have "PKed" you now Im going to RP with you but I dont want to actually kill and I dont want you to run off at the first moment I can interact with you.
Perhaps if you could see while stunned and stunned was changed to the new combat code so it would last at least half a minute. I could see this being a little frustrating but it would fit the need with out being to harsh.
If you where stunned at the start of the tick you would have to wait the full minute if you where stunned at the end of a tick you would only have to wait half of one.