Yana wrote:
Oh I thought of a really cool skill for griffons, since they are the only PC race with animal senses they should have a special track skill in which they can hunt by scent. Pick up and scent and follow it. Making it easier outdoors due tot he scent not mixing with others and in the city har as hell because all the scents blend.
What you're describing sounds suspiciously like innate track, as oppose to an entirely new skill. If scent tracking comes in, it should come in as a mentor or master scout ability- not an innate griffon thing. (my main is a griffon, I'm not just beating you down because this would give a cool ability to someone *else*)
As for Osterich... I like that. Did anyone ever consider giving longer terrian map view distance at night to those with infravision (as opposed to a glowy thing), and possibly shorter view distance in the day?