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 Post subject: Guide: How to request and receive a resurrection!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:04 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:43 am
Posts: 107
Hello, newbies!

It is bound to happen eventually: a python, cougar, tiger or some other nasty creature makes a meal out of your character! Don't despair, though. Here is a simple, two-step guide to follow on how to request and receive a resurrection from a priest:

1. Check the who list for characters that have priest-like titles! Some priests advertise both that they are a priest and which god or goddess they serve. Choose wisely before sending a tell for help. If you are good aligned, you don't want to ask a priest of an evil god, like Dabi, for help and if you are evil then avoid asking a priest of a good god, like Dulrik, for aid.

2. This step is crucial! Contact the priest you have chosen from Step #1 and include your character's name, how you died, and your request for help. When you die, you are effectively invisible to everyone that cannot see spirits. That means everyone, unless they are a priest or shaman actively concentrating on the spirit sight spell. If you send a tell without introducing yourself, they will not see your name! They will see "someone" and there is a good chance you will not get a response.

Here is an example of how NOT to ask for a resurrection:

tell gann Greetings. I heard that you are a priest. Can you help me?

BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! If I receive this sort of tell, I don't know who is asking for help or how they died. Unless I am really bored, I am not going to stop whatever I am doing and cast spirit sight to respond.

Here is an example of how to ask for a resurrection:

tell gann Greetings. I am Boromir and I have been slain by a vile pack of orcs. Would you be willing to pray for my return to life?

Have fun exploring and dying!

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 Post subject: Re: Guide: How to request and receive a resurrection!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:45 pm 

Joined: Thu May 11, 2006 11:00 pm
Posts: 2769
Location: Pearl Harbor, HI
SK Character: That one guy who pk'd you.
Ask one priest at a time. I cannot recall how many times I tried to rez someone that asked someone else at the same time.

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 Post subject: Re: Guide: How to request and receive a resurrection!
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:35 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:33 pm
Posts: 34
This is pretty solid advice from Gann and Trag. The only thing I would add is that if you have a friendly priest greeted, you can also manifest to them. You should probably send a tell before you do that because you never know what they might be doing...

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 Post subject: Re: Guide: How to request and receive a resurrection!
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:14 pm
Posts: 358
Depends on the priest really. If I get a tell from 'someone' without their name, the vast majority of the time I'll halt what I'm doing to spirit sight and get them back to life. However, that is mostly just how my character, I know other priests vary.

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 Post subject: Re: Guide: How to request and receive a resurrection!
PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:56 am 

Joined: Wed May 02, 2012 4:58 am
Posts: 700
Location: Rolling in the Grave
SK Character: Gailehn, Stephanov
From an OOC standpoint: Unless people are detecting, they will not know who dead (or invisible, or hidden) people are. When you're dead, and trying to talk to someone, if you include your name, there's a far greater change of some response. If someone is having other conversations in their minds, they won't be able to reply. (Yes, they can then detect, and try and do some who list comparisons, but that's not usually convenient.)

From an IC perspective: Especially when the person you are asking for help doesn't know you - make some effort to role play your death. The better you explain who you are & what you need & why the life should be granted (however you want to do it), the more likely it is you'll get help.

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