Shattered Kingdoms

Auto anon toggle
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Author:  Pushing40 [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Auto anon toggle

I'm curious about the auto anon toggle where you can choose to show or hide your class information.

Suppose you go out and greet 10 people while anonymous so they only know your name.
Then you switch the toggle and greet 5 more people, so they know your name and your class.
With the toggle on "share class info", do 5 people know your class info or do 15?
And if you switch back to anonymous, do those 5 people "forget" your class info?

How, exactly, does the toggle work?

Author:  Edoras [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Auto anon toggle

I'm almost positive that the toggle only matters when you greet someone, so if I greet people with auto anon enabled, they only see my race in the who list, regardless of what I toggle auto anon to afterwards. A similar thing is true if I greet people with auto anon disabled.

At least that's what I'm pretty sure the case is.

Author:  MsPooperTrooper [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Auto anon toggle

Really? I always thought that it didn't matter whether you greeted someone with it on or off. My impression was that when you toggled it on, it hid your class identity no matter who knew you (unless they're in the same faction as you, because then they automatically are able to see your race/class info), and if you toggle it off, anyone you've ever greeted would be able to see your class.

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