Shattered Kingdoms

Rude Higher level Characters and other rants
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Author:  Velorth [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Rude Higher level Characters and other rants

Is it common for higher level characters to sweep through a quest while you struggle with it and make off with the reward?

Hmm Are Griffon Warlocks the only warlocks who can't buy a reach weapon?

Why do item thieves steal unenchanted talon weapons from initiate characters? Its not like griffons can get anthing less useful... (This was a scout so don't talk to me about claws untill I can throw arrows :) )

Author:  werttrew [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rude Higher level Characters and other rants

Velorth wrote:
Is it common for higher level characters to sweep through a quest while you struggle with it and make off with the reward?

Hm. I don't know which quest you're talking about, but the majority of them do not have limited rewards. That is, regardless of who completes it in what order, the reward won't change. There could be some exceptions with items given as rewards.

Velorth wrote:
Hmm Are Griffon Warlocks the only warlocks who can't buy a reach weapon?

Buy a weapon, maybe. I'm fairly certain there are reach-griffon weapons out there for the requesting, however.

Velorth wrote:
Why do item thieves steal unenchanted talon weapons from initiate characters? Its not like griffons can get anthing less useful... (This was a scout so don't talk to me about claws untill I can throw arrows :) )

All the "steals" are based on your level and the level of the item. If the item is higher level than you, there's a chance it'll go *poof*.

Author:  buxtehude_sorethumbe [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 


By the way, griffon warlocks used to be a pretty tough combo to level. (Not sure if they still are.) If you're a true newbie, and you find yourself getting discouraged, you might consider trying an easier combo to play for your first.


Author:  Adder [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rude Higher level Characters and other rants

Velorth wrote:
Is it common for higher level characters to sweep through a quest while you struggle with it and make off with the reward?

Do you mean that they seem to be able to just complete is faster than you? Higher level chars can surpass obstacles easier (transportation spells, more friends, much stronger in fights) and also some know the answers to quests from friends. IC or otherwise.

Author:  Arelgama [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I dont understand the "Rude" part of this thread. Do you think its rude cause they complete it faster than you?

Author:  baldwama [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:16 am ]
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If you need help, ask for it, here or in-game. Don't get angry, get knowledgeable. However, you have to realize that higher level characters are probably in Tribunals/Cabals already and may not have the time to explain everything to you when and where you want to be told. Patience is a virtue and will be rewarded.

Author:  JavaMonkey [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm wondering if maybe, somehow, the more experienced player coming in partway through the lowbie's questing and completing it before they can somehow registers it as if the lowbie had completed it, thereby gimping them of the actual xpees/reward. If not, I dunno what the issue is unless they don't like the answer handed to them before they can figure it out on their own. *shrugs*

Author:  Gilgon [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I had a long discussion with another veteran player about this yesterday..well, not the quest crap, but the high-leveled players not giving help.

The best way to get help from an experienced player is to offer to help an experienced player. Make your character a part of a cabal/tribunal, or any player organization, and offer your most to help it out, via rp, and via pk. Try your best to help them out in any way you can, work with people, and you will receive the best help out there.

The best way to get kindness out of people is to offer kindness yourself, but maybe that's just the Ayn Rand in me coming out.

Author:  Ilyana [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

A way to get help without getting killed because of political affiliation would be to go to a friendly inn (for griffons Sith'a'niel, Exile, Nerina) and look for people. Even if they're of similar level you may find people of tremendous help. Also, take advantage of the 'mentor' command while in your local inn or newbie training area. If there are any on it'll call high level warlocks to help you out. If they don't want to help they won't answer, so if one does you should get some decent help. There are places where griffons can buy armor and weapons which you could discover easily enough ICly if you haven't already. While one place can be harder to find a priest/sorceror of high level could get you there easily enough.

If you have trouble of any kind with higher level players don't be discouraged, there are a lot of helpful people out there that will be glad to help you out.

I would never recommend a cabal/tribunal to a newbie simply because they lead to massive amounts of PK that, quite often, the newbie is just not ready for yet. It isn't worth it to get a few items that people may give you anyways if they like you enough. In SK anymore you could be killed for being in a cabal/tribunal or simply for being seen with a member of one. It's a lot easier to learn the game alive than it is dead.

Author:  Adder [ Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

You're going to get killed anyways. Most of the higher level chars in the game are either factioned or faction sympathizers.

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