Shattered Kingdoms

Couple of Problems
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Author:  baldwama [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Couple of Problems

After several hours of hard work, I've finally made it to Initiate. :D

I've noticed a couple of things that could be improved upon along the way. First, there don't seem to be enough mentors to go around for anyone playing C.S.T. Because of this, I've had to play the loan wolf out of necessity--not choice. Second, due to this situation, I've become very skilled at taking out the lower level bakemeno and hisskit in the Nerina Caverns. In fact, I've become so good that I can clear them all out before they have a chance to respawn. I have ventured further into the caverns and looked around, but everything else I've seen so far is still too far above my current level to attack alone. Therefore, couldn't the respawning rate be upped a little bit? Either that, or another appropriately leveled beastie added to the mix? Otherwise, I'm just waiting around twiddling my fingers--for monsters or mentors, take your pick!

Author:  Benzo Balrog [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

You may or may not be ready for this advice yet (one day you will!), but when you're confident enough of your abilities you should get a pet (such as a camel from Nerina or a mule from Teron) and try to fight NPCs that you _consider_ difficult. You'll gain experience faster that way. (Usually, this means that you can't clear the entire room out alone before a respawn.)

You might consider looking for a new place to train with NPCs that are just right for you. I'd recommend the Ayamaon outpost, but there's probably somewhere in Zhenshi that I just don't know about thats good too.

Author:  baldwama [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I've been able to go against NPCs considered difficult alone without a pet, and I'm clearing out multiple rooms before a respawn occurs. The problem is, the next set of rooms are a >> level above me. Also, I'm out of money for further training, purchasing of pets, etc. I was barely able to scrape together enough money to upgrade my armor. (The old stuff was falling apart and wasn't doing a lot of good when it was new.)

I'd love to go to the Outpost, but I have no idea where it is or how to get there. I'm not going to go blindly exploring and get myself killed after all the hard work I've done.

Author:  sleeper [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I will hint where the outpost is: it is in the domains of Sith. (You can fine this out by using a different legend. See "help legend" if your curious.) Ask ICly how to get there.

As far as the message you get when you consider someone. Just because it says "Death will welcome you" doesn't truly mean you will die. The consider command is based on level, (among a few other thigns I believe). It doesn't measure possible damage output, weaknesses etc. But these twinkish things you'll have to learn on you own. :wink: General rule of thumb however, if it says "Death will welcome you", death usually does. :)


PS: Oh yeah, I don't think the respawn times need to be changed. And if you think they should, do this: type "idea <message>" and the Imm that reads your idea log will decide.

Author:  Adder [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Consider is based entirely on relative levels, i believe. Could be wrong but that's the way it's always seemed to work for me.

The rule of thumb for leveling is that you want to fight NPCs higher level than you (consider says tough challenge or above) but that do very little damage. In general, this will be NPCs that have little to no armor and no weapons. Some NPCs do very little in melee but can be quite dangerous with spells, and you'll need some way to blind/deafen or trip/bash to prevent them.

Areas to train: Ask somebody in game.

CST time: depends what time you're playing. The most active hours from what I can see are 10pm-2am EST, with good play counts (40+) from 7pm EST onwards. You'll have to be playing late to see the largest numbers.

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Seems my only problem from an alt character is enough money. I have the EXP to train skills and levels but keep having to bum cash. With my lightie that is. On my darkie he used to be banking lots of it.

As for clearing the caverns, You'll probably end up clearing most leveling places as you go. Except a certain one I can think of possibly two.

Author:  baldwama [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I've also had trouble finding a trainer to train up one of my skills, even if I could get the money to do it. I'd ask iccly for help if I could find someone during the hours that I play. However, it seems like ya'll are just starting when I'm calling it a night.

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

You said you're in Nerina? You shouldnt have to look far for much up to Jman. After that i guess it would depend on class.

Author:  Forsooth [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I think the problem may be limiting yourself to mentors you call from an inn. This ONLY contacts level 36+ characters from your country. My Uxmal-based character may be happy to help, but he'll never hear you....

Unless someone's title makes it clear he's not likely to help you, go ahead and send him a tell. Especially if you have the tag "New to Pyrathia" that all new players start with, you won't be misdirected.

Author:  josephusmaximus3 [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, forgot to mention something about that. You could also just hit inns. Teron, Nernina and Exiel seems to be the best. The north and the east I wouldnt bother, and ayamao depends on who is logged on.

So hit Exile and Teron for the inns if you cant find a local mentor, or send a tell like Forsooth said.

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