Shattered Kingdoms

Songs of magic
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Author:  cathan [ Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Songs of magic

Alot of questions come to mind.

Songs of magic increases the level of any spell cast in the room.

Does this apply to:

Is this any spell what-so-ever?
Summoning elementals?
Animated undead?
Spells cast from devices?

Is there a cap at how high you can boost the level? For instance if you had multiple bards singing songs of magic?

I'm sure there are tons of other questions I can't think of off the top of my head, but I am curious as to it's potential.

Author:  Fepel Veiled [ Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe it impacts the damage/healing/range/whatever for all spells.

So a bard + GM necro could animate a lev 51 NPC/hero

As for the "stacking" of multiple songs. That I do not know.

Author:  Tragonis [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Songs of magic

cathan wrote:
Alot of questions come to mind.

Songs of magic increases the level of any spell cast in the room.

Does this apply to:

Is this any spell what-so-ever?
Summoning elementals?
Animated undead?
Spells cast from devices?

Is there a cap at how high you can boost the level? For instance if you had multiple bards singing songs of magic?

I'm sure there are tons of other questions I can't think of off the top of my head, but I am curious as to it's potential.

Cathan, these are perfect gameplay posts. A newbie to the game is not going to give a damn if it does or not. A newbie asks why he cannot drink out of the ocean. So please keep your vivid attempts to learn game mechanics there.

Author:  Muktar [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is a newbie post because it does deal with trying to figure out how the game works. To answer the original posts second questions a large resounding YES. I have many times been part of a summing party where there were three or more bard singing the song of magic and being able to summon others much more easily.

Author:  fridgeraider [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cathan, the answer to all your questions is yes, except for the cap on how high of a level you can go. I'm not certain about that but I assume there is one.

Author:  cathan [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tragonis, anytime I have a question that involves game mechanics, that if I were new to the game, would be of use, I post it in newbie help regardless. I dub the forum my FAQ. Maybe it is more appropriate to put it in gameplay. *shrugs*. There are so many things that veteran players take for granted that new players are clueless about. So whenever I would like a question answered, I'm sure that a noob would like the same question answered as well.

Why do you go out of your way to put your two cents in when all it is, is negative and has nothing to do with the topic and contributes nothing in general except to show your [REDACTED]?

Author:  Tragonis [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Because I am a spiteful [REDACTED] and don't see how this is truely going to help a newbie. Because before a newbie asks himself such a question he has to have picked a bard for a class and then played for a bit.

And does being a newbie exempt you reading other forums now? :o

Author:  meztiso [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tragonis wrote
Because I am a spiteful [REDACTED] and don't see how this is truely going to help a newbie. Because before a newbie asks himself such a question he has to have picked a bard for a class and then played for a bit.

And does being a newbie exempt you reading other forums now?

I can see a newbie With a character who has a class with summon also wonder this. Wich open's the door to alot more players then just the bards.
And as to your logic (And does being a newbie exempt you reading other forums now) Well, then why have a newbies forum anyway if they can go read gamplay or the other furoms anyway.

Bards can also work together to sing songs. If two or more bards in the same group, sing the same song using the same lyrics, an ensemble will take place. An ensemble raises the magical power of that particular song. The more bards involved, the stronger the song becomes. This is the power of harmony. On the other hand, if bards in the same group sing different tunes, each song's power will be somewhat decreased due to dissonance.

This help file is probably the closest one to the answer in the game. So a player going threw the helpfiles may get confused.

Author:  cathan [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll put it this way. Being a noob is a state of mind, not an amount of time under your belt. While my knowledge of SK wouldn't be that of your typical noob--there are some aspects of the game I am quite familiar with, there are tons more I wouldn't be. I might know the inside track of one class, but completely at a loss concerning another. In this respect, I dub myself a noob. Therefore, any unanswered question that comes to mind while playing a new class, I pose it here, because if I don't know the answer from my experience, then surely there are others with less experience wondering the same.

If I felt it were a discussion about a game mechanic, instead of a question regarding it, I would then post it under game play. In my mind, a discussion, in a perfect world, consists of discussing items you (hopefully) have expounded knowledge of.

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