Renacious wrote:
After years being away from SK, nice to visit some of my old haunts. But, what the heck happened to Sith??
Northern Wastes and Ayamao were removed as starting zones.
Low-down on Sith that a typical elf would probably know IC.... Dabi + her followers and various other bad guys put a pretty good smack-down on Sith over a number of years. Much of the elven nobility was destroyed, the monarchy was restored and Felgaros left Fort Tethos in the hands of a successor and came back to occupy the throne. King Felgaros rules now. The elves are a little more xenophobic and radicalized than before, but on the other hand have welcomed a bunch of griffons into the Tree.
Somewhere along the line there was also a civil war in the Ayamaoan Alliance. Chief Keldir died (or was murdered?) and his son, influenced by the dark aura alignments & religions, now leads the Village. Backed by their allies from the Empire of the Bright Star, the centaurs of Grahme seceded from the political Alliance and established their independence.
Happy to answer any other questions, etc, in regard to this topic if you have them.
Welcome back!!