Shattered Kingdoms

Does drunkeness affect abilities?
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Author:  MageMaker [ Fri May 08, 2015 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does drunkeness affect abilities?

I'm not sure what exactly charisma does in the game yet, but a drunken state would probably affect those stats as well temporarily.

Also, if you know more than one language (like most SK citizens do) then maybe there's a chance that you'd randomly switch languages to another one while in the drunk state as well.

Author:  Yed [ Fri May 08, 2015 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does drunkeness affect abilities?

Personally, when I'm drinking and speaking foreign languages, my language skills actually improve. When I've been in Germany, Austria, Spain, and South America, the inhibition-lowering affects of the alcohol make me more comfortable to communicate in the foreign tongue, and instead of thinking about speaking the language, I just do it.

Darts and billiards, on the other hand, just get worse as I think they get better.....

Author:  TheX [ Fri May 08, 2015 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does drunkeness affect abilities?

the_me wrote:
I'd love to see drunk in the affects list.

Give a bonus damage reduction affect (roll with punch) but severe penalties to hit and dodge, and an increase in casting time and the cool-down for the physical skills.

Maybe add to that greater PE but limited speed to walk, and greater ME drain when casting. And when moving the character could be seen "XXXX stumbles off to the east.", that would be funny!

I don't know, usually when I am staggering drunk, my ability to play darts, shoot pool, fight, and solve complex math problems shoots through the roof.

I should add that disadvantages include inability to walk, if I fall I require a minimum of four people to help me back to my feet, I hug people, I may or may not have conversations in gibberishese, I don't often remember these nights, and I go home with questionable women.

So the benefits for being sloshed do not outweigh the drawbacks.

Author:  Opey [ Fri May 08, 2015 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does drunkeness affect abilities?

Questionable women? You mean that you later questioned whether or not they were women? Did they question it? Who was doing the questioning about the "women"?

Author:  TheX [ Fri May 08, 2015 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does drunkeness affect abilities?

They were women, I questioned what the hell I was thinking.

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