Shattered Kingdoms

OOC and IC as regards character creation
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Author:  allikat [ Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I go to the step of going and making a coffee if I'm switching characters. To give a few minutes break between logout and login. The chance that any ooc info that I had when I logged off is still current when I log back in is therefore diminished.
Then again.. just join groups that don't mean anything, and don't make rez-monkies :P That solves everything :P

Author:  Viltrax [ Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

The White Knight wrote:
I was given to understand that it was not taking IC information ooc, but rather the taking of ooc information IC that was against the rules.

You're right, I stand corrected. The point of infraction is indeed after the IC information that was leaked outside the game, is then acted upon within the game.

But of course, if the information was never leaked in the first place it wouldn't be possible, would it? Next time I see my RP being pasted line-for-line into the IRC room, I'll end the RP on the spot. *spit*

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