Well, I figure I might as well just necro my own thread instead of making a new one.
I have a new question: Is there anywhere that old archives from this forums have been saved?
As far as I can tell/assume/remember, these official forums have retained the same URL/phpBB identity (?) for, like, ever, right? Obviously truly ancient threads/content have been removed, but I'm wondering if any of the antediluvian past still exists in any official capacity?
It looks like other than certain threads which would naturally be archived (such as updates etc, which I see go back as far as '02), there's not much extraneous/non-technical/non-useful stuff from earlier than, eh, '07-ish maybe (Afterlife thread for instance was pared to that point, I read)?
I'm curious because for the last few years I would get an urge/tickle to "try out" SK again and/or lurk the forums a bit. However I never made it past "initial registration phase" due to a desire to see if my old forums account still existed somehow; the couple times I tried, I had no luck, but I couldn't tell if this was because such ancient things were long-ago deleted, or if these forums are actually not the same as the old ones (and perhaps only useful things were merged over). At any rate I had no clue what my original email address used was, and after browsing some threads, the impetus was always quickly lost and I "moved on" before I ever made it to the point of playing the game again.
Now I have (although not much, and usually just kind of "AFK-ishly spamming newbie training kills--I haven't exactly been actively searching for IC interaction or exploration yet), and I've had some warm fuzzy nerd nostalgia from stumbling upon some fun threads such as the "Where are they now?".
Despite this eye-rolling-ly lengthy post, I don't really care very much about this, I swear

I'm just curious for the sake of nostalgia, mainly.
I'm not sure I could even give a general timeframe for when I'm referring to, but after reading the "where are they now" thread I'm guessing this would have been late '90s - early 00s (maybe even mid-late '90s, it's all a bit of a blur now eh, and I was a little kid back then). If I stop being lazy I'll get up the gumption to bug my cousin(s) and old SK inductee/mentor/awesome guy Salamandarin (

) to offer some details if they still remember.
I notice most old players still hang around, or at least did up until the last year or 2, and a few names from my early days rang bells, as well as much-later days (several years down the road) when I wasn't even really playing the game but was being an active douchey troll on java's forums (I really had a chuckle-fit when I stumbled upon names like jarduck and mezcow and peso

aw boy, you guys were great fun, sorry I was such an angsty tryhard back then!). One name that I remember from my early days on the (official) forums, but who I don't see listed now (and couldn't find via forum user search whenever I tried the last several times in past couple years) was Elric IV ? Or something like that? Perhaps this might give a clue as to when I'm referring to.
Anyway, I'm guessing old profiles such as this (and mine, which I believe was "ethereal paper" or something like that) have long been deleted, but if not, could I still access/re-active it?
Other than nostalgia of reading other people's posts and stuff from "back then", I'm also rather curious to read my own posts and see how big of an idiot I was back then

So that's basically my main motivation for this.
Finally, on an almost-entirely-unrelated note, I have to say that it's unfortunate the IMM staff seems to be lacking a vital role; namely, that of a "less serious" deity of goofiness/drunken-ness/comedy/fun such as the much-beloved Yopparai of yore. What's up with that

This game seems pretty super-cereal these days, as far as I've gathered from the admittedly-flawed technique of reading forums posts. Is this a faulty assumption, or would there be some truth to such an observation?
If you read all that, thanks a lot

Sorry for such a ridiculous post.