I just couldn't help it... priceless...
baldwama wrote:
Such questions should be asked iccly, and you
should know better.
soultoast wrote:
In general, that'll be a big fat NO. Most of 'em got wimped anyways.
juggernaut wrote:
GO BUY THEM AND HAVE THEM IDENTIFIED YOU <deleted by author b4 it gets removed
No need to emphasize anything on this one.
sleeper wrote:
I wouldn't even bother with them as they were severaly wimped a while ago.
BTW, why are you even asking?
The pretty much reasonable reaction comes next;
Someone wrote:
Geez. Chill out please. A simply 'No' wouldve been fine. I get slandered and made fun of for asking a question?
I thought this would be less common in newbie forums. It was just a questions. *sigh* I give up.
And finally;
jennbo wrote:
..I think it's funny when everyone's nice and calm, except for the author of the post, telling everyone to not freak out as she herself freaks out.
You're not being wronged, here.
Indeed. God, Jesus, Mary and the whole family. I'm pretty sure that, based on my basic understanding of the english language, Someone seems to be justified in freaking out after seeing replies that threaten to eat him/her up. I know I did when I read the tone of the posters in this
Newbie Help forum thread. And no, we shouldn't choose to get all edgy because Someone is a fast learner or he/she has been around here for long or whatever the reason is we assume he should know the rules in effect, without bothering to simply explain.
Blatant insistance on ignoring the expressions people use freaks me out too, I must say.
PS: Proper reply to the question; Forsooth's and S-t0ast's.