Carita wrote:
Benzo Balrog wrote:
More seriously, you can either PM Alshain and attempt to get into the Fear religion..
If you don't want your OOC frusteration to bleed into an IC decision to seek another church, I concur with BB's thoughts on this. If a religion is particularly inactive, the immstaff is encouraging and promoting new people to step up to the responsibility of rebuilding a Church. Maybe having a young upstart move in on some abandoned territory will put some fear back into those who have been slacking off to wake up or you'll be in a position to take the Church into the direction of your choosing.
From what I've learned, he'll either take care of this directly for you, or PM you back exactly who you should be discussing this with on staff to get it handled.
Good luck,
I had this problem with Morcwyn and the faith of Yenko, but for completely different reasons. So, I just continually harassed the IMMstaff until I finally got invested
I don't recommend this method. Apparently it leads to IMMhood, which causes your testicles to wither.