Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: SK Bonanza - September 11th - 13th!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:05 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:25 pm
Posts: 1533
SK Character: The Shining One
Log onto Shattered Kingdoms during the the weekend of September 11th - 13th for the chance to earn accelerated experience and faster regeneration rates. Enjoy the increased activity by players and staff.

(ongoing throughout Bonanza)
Strange localized storms have appeared throughout the realms seeming to transport adventurers to as of yet unknown locations or maybe even times. Although the storms seem stationary, quite a few have been reported across the realms from all kingdoms.

Sing for your Life - Song Competition
Friday, September 11th 5:00 PM PDT (Server Time)
Adventurers of all sorts are welcome to try their hand at immortalizing themselves through song. Songs must be about the Lord Achernar, and/or one of the spheres of the faith in some fashion and can be as long or short as you like.

The Oracle's Quest Riddled Abode
Saturday September 12th 12:00 PM PDT (Server Time)
Work your way through riddles designed by the Oracle in order to escape this House, but beware a wrong answer could lead to your demise.
-More details to come, check back often!

Bring Your Change - Vaokrog Tournament
Saturday, September 12th 5:00 PM PDT (Server Time)
Adventurers are invited to participate in a tournament of the dice game Vaokrog! There is no initial minimum bid so bring your pocket change and change it into a fortune! If you are not able to make it when the game first begins you are free to join as you arrive but may be required to put in a minimum bid at that point.

Rumble in the Jungle of Death
Sunday, September 13th 12:00 PM PDT (Server Time) tentative
Combatants converge on the Lost Jungle to honor the Lord of Death by sending the souls of opponents to the River. Those who prevail will receive a blessing from the Lord of Death.

- Group battles in the Lost Jungle;
- Winning team members get a prize;
- Exact format (group size, tournament structure, etc.) will be determined by level of interest;
- Honoring Achernar = the point is to honor Death, not loot enemies;
- Contact Thuban if you are interested.

Experience the world "where role play and tactics collide" that players have been discovering for over 15 years! We look forward to seeing you there.

PS. Want to help us advertise the game and get more players?
1. Like us on Facebook!
2. Try printing out the following flier and distributing it at your local game store or university:" target="_BLANK

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