Shattered Kingdoms

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 Post subject: Typo's and Bugs
PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:14 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 2732
Location: Australia
SK Character: Viltrax
There are two commands to report issues with the game while you're playing - TYPO and BUG, along with the suggestion command IDEA. You can read the help entry for these commands here - These commands are all logged and record what you submit via the command (up to a certain maximum length) as well as the room number you are standing in when you report it. Immortals can retrieve these records - usually the TYPO entries - and fix the issue reported by going straight to the room where you reported the issue.


Use TYPO for anything that a builder would be able to fix - including errors in scripts, NPC attributes, items that need fixing or generally typographical errors related to the text. We expect the majority of reports to be of this type. Please also - where possible - stand in the room where the error is! If it's a NPC, try to stand in the room where the NPC first appears, in an adjacent room or at least in the same area, if it's risky for you to stand in front of a daemon while reporting one of his biceps are "bullging".

In the past, the BUG command was used to lodge an issue with the code that Dulrik would need to fix - however these days there are I doubt there are any simple bugs that could be reported with just one line of text. Better to post in the Gameplay forum so you can present what you've found along with a log snippet of the issue. Other players may be able to clarify if it is a bug. If there's an element of discretion required based on where the bug occurred (either faction- or game-security related) then perhaps send an email once you're sure it is a bug.

Lastly, the IDEA command. Let's just pretend this doesn't exist unless an immortal specifically asks you to use it to tell them what room you're proposing should be a 1,000 foot diamond shrine to your past Novice character - that short, ugly one without an adjective or a description. The forums are a much better place to throw out ideas for player discussion, knock the idea into shape (or blast it to pieces if it unbalances all gameplay).


The log for these entries has been running for many years. With the many changes to immortals in the pantheon, the old log had become too big to cull and re-assign entries to the current immortal staff. As such, an executive decision was made to clear the log and start anew. If you see any TYPO errors from today onwards, do not assume they have already been reported... rather, you can be the first to report them! :D

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 Post subject: Re: Typo's and Bugs
PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:25 pm
Posts: 1533
SK Character: The Shining One
Please be as specific as possible when reporting an idea or typo so that we are able to determine a fix. Some of the recent entries are head scratchers.

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