Shattered Kingdoms

Where Roleplay and Tactics Collide
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 Post subject: SK Bonanza! Jul 4th-7th
PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:43 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 8220
Location: Redwood City, California
Log onto Shattered Kingdoms this weekend for the chance to earn accelerated experience and faster regeneration rates. Enjoy the increased activity by players and staff. Check out the following events that will be taking place over the weekend! SPECIAL NOTE: If you are an experienced SK player and are planning to create a new character in preparation for this bonanza, the staff suggests you wait to roll through the Hall of Creation until the Bonanza officially starts.

Expressions of Taslamar
Thursday, July 4th, 7:30 PM PDT (Server Time)
The first in a series of events to come, all Taslamaran citizens are invited to compete in "Expressions of Taslamar." Loose your artistic prowess to create a mural, painting or other composition that embodies the spirit of your home Kingdom. The winning piece will be selected to go on permanent display in the center of the capitol city. All are welcome to come and vote on artist submissions, or simply to enjoy good company and refreshments.

(Note: A mock-up of each artistic piece will be placed on display for voting. You may submit your entries via email or PM to Meissa [preferably] before or [realistically, sorry for the short notice] during the event so that she can create them in-game. Non-winning entries will be discontinued.)

A Faithful Firework Display
Friday, July 5th, 6:00 PM PDT (Server Time)
Channel your inner Wazamalanifarchowski and create a special firework to honor and glorify your God. All fireworks will be set off at a grand barbecue picnic to be held at a special Uxmaln location to be announced. The winning pyrotechnic display will be available for sale within Craeftilin. Pantheists and Spiritualists are encouraged to participate, as well -- it's a celebration of all religious beliefs!

(Note: Please limit fireworks to four (4) echoes, and color them exactly as you will want them to appear. You may submit your entries via email or PM to Alshain no later than Friday morning [11:59:59 Pacific] so that she can create them in-game.)

A Change in Fate
Saturday, July 6th - ALL DAY
Sadal, that terrible minx, has thrown the die: The realm of Pyrathian mortals may be changed forever as reality shifts around you.

(Note that bonus xp will be temporarily turned off during some of these events.)

Come investigate at the Shattered Kingdoms site and get more information about the game and to prepare for the coming weekend. Please note that server time is the same as PST.

Experience the world "where role play and tactics collide" that players have been discovering for over 15 years! We look forward to seeing you there.

PS. Want to help us advertise the game and get more players?
1. Like us on Facebook!
2. Try printing out the following flier and distributing it at your local game store or university:

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