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 Post subject: Code Update 11/24/2012
PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:04 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 8220
Location: Redwood City, California
New Features:
- Enchant armor/weapon removed from priests
- Consecrate armor/weapon/item added for priests
- Enchant item added for sorcerers
- Accuracy replaces hitroll as a weapon affect
- Weapons can now be enchanted with speed
- Magical Protection has been split into two types
* Armor Protection is used to physically buff armor
* Magical Protection protects from magical damage
- Items can now be enchanted with stat buffs
- Added stacking restrictions for enchanted items
- Updated help files for new enchant/consecrate system
- Endowments from old enchant system no longer exist
- Added retire command and retirement survey

- Decrease impairment penalty due to changes in enchant
- Added shorter/common names for endowment types
- Added an affect to standardize slowdown of casting time
- Updated fly with cast time penalty and larger accuracy penalty
- Updated song of silence to use cast time penalty
- Ramp up casting penalty on song of silence each round
- Updated berserk and frenzy to penalize dodge roll
- Updated song of war to add weapon speed bonus at high levels
- Slightly higher penalty to accuracy with blindness
- Updated bless to give better bonuses to acc/fort/ref/will
- Updated curse to mirror bless's bonuses with penalties
- The prayer spell has been removed from the game
- Updated spirit dolls to provide resistance bonuses
- Rogue NPCs always start with a throwing dagger available

Bug Fixes:
- Fix NPC evaluation of when to wield 1-H or 2-H weapons
- Only cure one type of blindness per casting of spell
- Thrown weapons were triggering aura of negation
- Polymorphed dwarves will not get an axe bonus
- Fix items not shrinking when enlarge wears off due to anti-magic
- Remove stat modifications when an item's enchantment dissolves
- Fix crash when law NPC dies while persecuting a criminal
- Do not allow wearing of ungrippable hand items
- Hand weapons will not cause armor material penalties

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 Post subject: Re: Code Update 11/24/2012
PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:08 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 8220
Location: Redwood City, California
New help files for easy reference:
[Spells help] Enchant Spells

Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon> [acc | spd]
        cast 'enchant armor' <armor | shield> [ap | mr]
        cast 'enchant item' <item> [dex | int | cha]
        cast 'enchant item' <item> [ref | will]
        cast 'enchant item' <item> [mana | move]

The enchant series of spells is a method for arcane casters to endow a
weapon, piece of armor or other worn item with magic that boosts the wearer.
Specifically, the types of items that can be endowed by each spell are:

- weapon: weapons and ranged weapons (but not ammunition)
- armor: armor and shields
- item: treasure, containers, lights, tools, pens, books

The caster chooses during casting what type of endowment is desired for the
selected wearable object.  Armor, weapons and items are each capable of being
enchanted with only certain types of endowments as noted in the syntax above.

Note that some endowments are unique to the enchant spells, while other
endowments are only available via priestly consecrate magic.

A break down of the endowment types is as follows:
- accuracy: improves chance to hit, parry, disarm and penetrate armor
- armor protection: improves armor's capacity to absorb physical damage
- magic resistance: improves cumulative MR field
- mana: improves the magical capacity of the wearer
- move: improves the physical endurance of the wearer
- saves: improves reflex or willpower saves
- speed: improves chance for increased attacks per round
- stats: improves dexterity, intelligence, or charisma

An item can be enchanted with the same type of endowment multiple times or
it can be enchanted with multiple types of endowments.  When deciding which
approach to take, complex magical laws for stacking must be considered.

If an item is enchanted too much, there is a risk that it will fade (all
existing endowments will vanish) or even explode.  Training in art
can reduce the chance of these occurrences.

See also: consecrate identify dex int cha saves MR stacking art

[Spells help] Consecrate Spells

Syntax: cast 'consecrate weapon' <weapon> [acc | dam]
        cast 'consecrate armor' <armor | shield> [ap | mp]
        cast 'consecrate item' <item> [str | con | wis]
        cast 'consecrate item' <item> [fort | will]
        cast 'consecrate item' <item> [health | move]

The consecrate series of spells is a method for divine casters to endow a
weapon, piece of armor or other worn item with magic that boosts the wearer.
Specifically, the types of items that can be endowed by each spell are:

- weapon: weapons and ranged weapons (but not ammunition)
- armor: armor and shields
- item: treasure, containers, lights, tools, pens, books

The caster chooses during casting what type of endowment is desired for the
selected wearable object.  Armor, weapons and items are each capable of being
consecrated with only certain types of endowments as noted in the syntax above.

Note that some endowments are unique to the consecrate spells, while other
endowments are only available via arcane enchantment magic.

A break down of the endowment types is as follows:
- accuracy: improves chance to hit, parry, disarm and penetrate armor
- armor protection: improves armor's capacity to absorb physical damage
- damage: improves physical damage per successful attack
- health: improves the damage taking capacity of the wearer
- magic protection: improves magical damage reduction field
- move: improves the physical endurance of wearer
- saves: improves fortitude or willpower saves
- stats: improves strength, constitution, or wisdom

An item can be consecrated with the same type of endowment multiple times or
it can be consecrated with multiple types of endowments.  When deciding which
approach to take, complex magical laws for stacking must be considered.

If an item is enchanted too much, there is a risk that it will fade (all
existing endowments will vanish) or even explode.  Training in art
can reduce the chance of these occurrences.

See also: enchant identify str con wis saves stacking art

[Spells help] Stacking Magical Endowments

Following a clash between the forces of magic and nature, the magical laws
regarding the permanent endowment of magical energy into items has been
altered to be more selective to the caster's will but arguably less powerful.

Magical endowments can be separated into three categories:
- Innate: Endowments placed on items through long lost rituals.
- Enhancement: Most endowments created using enchant or consecrate spells.
- Augment: MP/MR endowments created using enchant or consecrate spells.

When considering how multiple pieces of endowed equipment interact with each
other, there are different rules for weapon, armor and item endowments:

1. Weapons: Each weapon uses only its own endowments. Even if two weapons
are held, the bonuses are not combined.  Innate and enhancement bonuses of the
same type on the same weapon will stack for that weapon.
2. Items: For items the category becomes critical.  Innate bonuses of the
same type will stack across multiple items.  If multiple items are endowed
with the same type of enhancement bonus, only the greatest enhancement bonus
applies.  The greatest enhancement will be stacked with any innate bonuses.
3. Armor: AP endowments behave similarly to weapon endowments - they are of
the enhancement category and only apply when being struck on that piece of
armor. In contrast, MP and MR endowments are of the augment category and
therefore stack across bonus types and multiple pieces of armor.

See stacking-examples help for concrete examples of item and armor stacking.

In situations where an endowment that is normally for items appears as an innate
endowment on a piece of armor, the law for item endowment applies.

Once an endowment is placed, whether it was cast through enchant or consecrate
is irrelevant.  For example, an AP enchantment can be improved through either
another AP enchantment or through an AP consecration.

See also: enchant consecrate identify stacking-examples

[Spells help] Stacking Magical Endowments (Examples)

In the following examples, colored highlights are used to indicate which
endowments are being applied.  Endowments without highlights will be ignored
due to overlapping bonuses.

Item example with three simultaneously worn items:
- Ring #1: slightly enhance ref, slightly innate ref, slightly innate will
- Ring #2: moderately enhance ref, moderately enhance fort, slightly innate ref
- Bangle: moderately enhance ref, slightly enhance fort, moderately innate fort

The total bonuses applied when wearing these three items would be:
- Great ref boost (moderately enhance ref + slightly innate ref [x2])
- Great fort boost (moderately enhance fort + moderately innate fort)
- Slight will boost (slightly innate will)


Armor example with three simultaneously worn pieces of armor:
- Helm: moderately augment MP, moderately enhance AP, slightly innate MR
- Vest: moderately augment MP, moderately innate MP, slightly innate MR
- Pants: moderately augment MP, moderately innate AP, slightly augment MR

The total bonuses applied when wearing these three armor pieces would be:
- Great+ MP boost (moderately augment MP [x3] + moderately innate MP)
- Moderate MR boost (slightly augment MR + slightly innate MR [x2])
- Moderate AP boost (when being attacked on the head or legs)
- No AP boost (when being attacked on the chest)

See also: enchant consecrate identify stacking

[Spells help] identify

Syntax: cast identify <object>

Identify reveals useful information about the target object.  Some facets
of the object have various ratings which are arranged in the following order:

- Quality: poor, average, above average, superior, outstanding
- Enchantment Strength: slightly, moderately, greatly, exceptionally
- Spell Strength: weak, strong, overpowered

See also: enchant consecrate stacking

Note: The stacking-examples spell is better viewed in game using color.

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 Post subject: Re: Code Update 11/24/2012
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:42 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 4:00 pm
Posts: 8220
Location: Redwood City, California
The Q&A thread can be found here.

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